I realised today with a heavy thud that i tend to hero worship very quickly. Specially authors. I read a book and love it. and when i look up from the last page i have stars in my eyes. Big Ones! Then i run off to the bookstore, or many bookstores and look for more books by the same author. I have done this with Osho, Ashok Banker, Sudha Murty, Paulo Coelo to name a few. and i have ended up reqading most of their books. And then, because i am so obssesed i start looking them up on the net, reading up every teensy weensy article on them or by them. I initiate conversations about them in social gatherings. Finally in a converstion or in an article I find something off, derogatory and in some places an opening up of Pandora's Box. Ugly stuff. But i yet make excuses for their behaviour/ character etc.
I forgot to mention, i also want to be caught up in their causes and donations. Most of the time this means i have to ask around for advice adn most times, this non informed, non newspaper reading blogger meets the "real" person.
Recently, I stumbled upon the "ugly truth" about one author i have throughly enjoyed reading. I buy all her books and loved the simplicity of her writing. Just today i realised that the man whose books potray the epitome of perfect humans, also has a side which smarts a wee bit of vengence and having been vindicated on his opnions.
As i realised this i felt downcast and black. I really felt personally let down.
As I shut the article and tried to, once more make mental amends for this persons writing, i realised that i am the one who is completely wrong. Every man, and woman is human and therefore completelyt open to practice the vices we are born with. So - why am I pushing them on top of a mantle and insisting they sit there?
The better thing for me to do, is read their books, forget their names and then relegate them to austere positions, talk about them with awe without remembering their names or looking them up for more information.
These people, these authors pass on great range of knowledge and very interesting facts and ideas. why the devil do i want to devilise them with my hero worship?
:) I'm sure lots of people go through that. Even I have, albeit to a slightly lesser extent. But your thoughts are correct. Enjoy their knowledge and do not hero worship. They may be brilliant in some things, but who says they have to be perfect, that too perfect according to us!!