
Friday, June 17, 2011

A day in Venice

While the cats were away, this mouse played. While they roasted in the hot sun and- shudder of shudders- took a boat ride to Murano, Appu sat under a shady tree in a lush garden and sipped a cool bottle of water and read a book and took a long massage and ate a hearty meal and had a beer and took a nap. Ha!!
I like Venice, when I am not traveling from one San to another piazza. Ie - San marco , San Paulo, Piazza Roma et al and blah blah. My mil is pretty sorted. One look at the roads of San Marco, [where we had the most amazing spaghetti pomodoro ]( hands down winner) and she said "it looks like Benaeres. Same roads, same stuck to each other houses, spit in one, reaches the other...The cows, bulls, and filth is missing". Now that's calling a spade a spade. But let's not wash off the name totally. It IS a romantic city. Only I find it disgusting because the waters make me want to offer them my last meal.
I love the water. I can look at it for hours. But when I see a a boat bopping and madly cartwheeling, in vicious, bumpy water, my senses take leave, my knees feel weak and my eyes roll up, my heart falls into the pits of my stomach, problem being my stomach does not exist anymore, it's where my mouth should be!
Venice Is said to be drowning slowly, pathetic millimetre by pathetic millimetre. When I look at the gondola oarsmen and all those near drowned buildings, I wonder where all the inhabitants will go. In land they will be - ahem! 'fish out of water'!!
The concierge showed me the- 2 feet from the ground, Mark on the main door, of the property. Now this propert faces the canal. U get of from the vaporetti and walk into the hotel, wihtin a mere 3 footsteps. The smallest footsteps. And from October to March, the water from the canal rises and touches the nearest Walls, which yes! Happen to be houses, cafes, and this hotel. They have a small gate which they put in place to keep this dirty smelly water out (Venice stinks, by the way) and they give people boots which go up to ur naval ( joking , but definitely up to the end of your legs) to reach to vaporetti. And like in Mumbai our kids get off from school because of heavy monsoons,these people get off from work, school, and daily life when the canal rises up to kiss the city of Venice

They need a Siddhi Vinayak to protect their city. Then maybe it won't drown totally.

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