
Friday, June 15, 2012

It's all greek to me!!!

Its all greek to me!! The wretched 5am flight, which was putting me off for almost a month, was well worth it!  Athens, the city of myths, temples and wine gods! A few hot days of tramping in the intense heat, water bottles emptying as they are opened and we payed our reverence to all the gods and goddesses. We are now blessed with strength of the wind, steadiness of the earth, continuity of the flowers, passions of the sea and loads and loads of wine... ala - the perpetually drunk God of wine- Dionyzoz. We took a day and night trip to Delphi! More gods, more purification and somewhere there the Goddess Athena inhaled some fumes from a chasm, and went into a trance, and her (verbatim from the books- i quote) "inarticulate cries were translated by some priests and the oracle was written" .  Basically there are a whole lot of ruins and yes gorgeous ones. But the myths built around them are definately  works of a creative writer. Dont get me wrong, I am Indian enough to believe in myths and oracles and trances, and the greek god of the sea is one of my favourites -- aah I forget is name!! Greece is gorgeous. And very few of us know and realise only when we visit that Greece has equally gorgeous mountains and actually very famous ski resorts too.  But the myths and ruins and history- I leave for my history buff daughter because its all Greek to me!!

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